- Videoplaylist: BIOMES
- Biomes of the world by
- You can choose among the seven topics below
- All topics must be covered. There should be 2 or 3 projects on each topic
- Let me know your topic through this form. FORMULARIO
- The teacher will assign topics.
- Topics to cover
Fresh water ecosystems:- still water (lentic ecosystems)
- lagos y lagunas (lakes and lagoons)
- zonas pantanosas (wetlands, marshes)
- running water (lotic ecosystiems): rivers and streams
- zona intermareal (intertidal zone)
- the shallow ocean (the continental shelf = plataforma continental)
- the bathyal zone and abyssal plains (zona batial entre 1000-4000m; llanura abisal en fondos de 4000m)
- coral reefs (arrecifes de coral)
- DIRECTIONS (instrucciones) FOR THE PROJECT. Download the file
- OSCAR will work on "the oceanic bathyal zone and abyssal plains"
- LAURA on "coral reefs"
- JUAN S. on "the oceanic bathyal zone and abyssal plains"
- MARTA on "the intertidal zone"
- ALAN on "the intertidal zone" as well
- JUAN P. on "lakes and lagoons"
- DANIEL will work on "coral reefs"
- LIDIA on "lakes and lagoons"
- CRISTINA will work on "the continental shelf" (la plataforma continental)
- ANGEL on "wetlands and marshes" (zonas pantanosas)
- BEATRIZ will work on "the continental shelf"
- ANA CRISTINA will work on "rivers and streams"
- JESÚS will work on "rivers and streams" as well
- SERGIO on "wetlands and marshes
- JAVIER will work on "coral reefs"
DIRECTIONS (instrucciones) FOR THE PROJECT. Download the file